The Health Facilities Planning Seminar Committee

The AIA Michigan Health Facilities Planning Seminar is held each year to provide architects, engineers, healthcare executives and other interested professionals with the latest available information which will assist them in planning, designing, constructing and maintaining health facilities. The seminar is ideal for all who are concerned with the implications of evolving healthcare technology upon facilities as they plan, design, construct, administer or maintain. AIA members are able to hear 11.5 hours of CEU's with some of those hours relating to HSW. The Health Facilities Planning Seminar Committee is responsible for an array of projects, including venue selection, engaging speakers and networking with the State of Michigan and other agencies to ensure the event is a success.

If this committee sounds like something you would be interested in, check out the current Health Facilities Planning Seminar brochure on the website for more information about the event here or contact the office.

2024 Committee

Staci Bakkegard
Sparrow Health System

Julia F. Herschelman, AIA
Resident Architect-Design/Build Group
JLL @ Beaumont Health

Dave Imesch
Site Development, Inc.

Karl Kowalske, AIA, ACHA, EDAC, LEED AP
7 Generations Architecture and Engineering

Teresa Miller, AIA, LEED AP

Plante Moran

Matt Guinta, AIA

Diekema Hamann Architecture & Engineering

Austin Holcomb

McLaren Health Care

2024 Committee

Cathy Mosley, Hon. AIA
Executive Director, AIA of Michigan

Ed Pocock, AIA, ACHA


Kasra Zarbinian, P.E.
Health Facilities Engineering Section (HFES)
Bureau of Community and Health Systems

Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)

Pier-George Zanoni
Health Facilities Engineering Section (HFES)
Bureau of Community and Health Systems

Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)

Andrea Wiggens

Construction Plan Review/Permits & Life Safety Code Inspections

Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)

AIA Michigan - 37637 Five Mile Rd. #269 - Livonia, Michigan, 48154 - Phone: 313-965-4100  

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